Responsibility | Analytical | Harmony | Input | Communication
Most recently, Taylor Barnett-Torabi was a Staff Developer Advocate at PlanetScale, where she worked on projects across the whole business with a strong focus on developer education, product, and go-to-market efforts. Her passion lies in building great developer experiences, with a strong focus on user empathy within product, marketing, documentation, and other community-driven initiatives.
After departing from a software engineering role at a startup, Taylor worked at Keen IO, a data analytics API company, working with the developer community, SDKs, and documentation, and later took the helm of Developer Relations and Support at Stoplight, an API design management platform. More recently, she was a Senior Community Engineer at Transposit, working across the organization on Developer Relations, integration engineering, and content.
She has spoken on developer experience (including API design), SDKs, OpenAPI, developer empathy, and building developer communities at conferences such as O'Reilly OSCON, Monktoberfest, LonghornPHP, API Specifications Conference (she was also the conference co-chair), GlueCon, API Strategy & Practice, API the Docs, AlterConf, DevRelCon, DevXcon, and various meetups.
In her free time, she's either touching grass (rock climbing, hiking, skiing, gardening, or just spending time outside), trying to find the funkiest sour beers, or hanging out with her corgi, Yoda, and spouse in Austin, Texas (Nʉmʉnʉʉ Sookobitʉ, Coahuiltecan, Tonkawa, and Lipan Apache lands).